To equip every student to live as a disciple of Jesus, exist as the body of Christ, and make disciples in their current sphere of influence.
To cultivate environments where the truth of the Gospel is experienced in a familial setting, received through biblical teaching, and expressed through service.
Life groups are at the very core of who we are as ElevenTwelve. They are 10-15 person groups of people of the same grade and gender along with adult leaders who guide conversation & study. Group content and study varies based on your group, but All of our life groups spend some time taking a deeper look at the weekend sermon. our leaders develop a real relationship & understanding for their students and shape the group to fit the needs of the group. we believe Church happens in circles not rows, through real conversation and biblical wisdom.
To put it simply, we do life together.
Contact Katie about more info on joining a Life Group.
Our weekends are designed to introduce students to community and God. We meet every Sunday for a time of community, worship, and teaching at the ElevenTwelve room. We usually spend the first 15 minutes hanging out with a coffee bar and outdoor games, then head inside.
ET Unplugged is our Saturday night service option. It is a simple and low-key service with discussion based on the Bible passages that will be in Sunday’s teaching. Join us!
Contact us about weekend services and meet the faces behind the weekends in ElevenTwelve.
SERVICE TIMES – Saturday Night 5pm. Sunday Morning 9am & 11am.
LOCATION – Vista Campus, 2405 North Santa Fe Ave, Vista, CA